Unser zweiter Laden


Bölschestraße 78, 12587 Berlin

Vom Einfachen das Gute...

... is a grocery shop where we like to shop ourselves. With products that we love and that we know where they come from, who produced them and how. Good in flavour and responsible in their treatment of animals and nature.

We are looking for producers who work in an artisanal way and also have animal welfare as their philosophy. We think regional is good, but our producers from Italy, Spain and Austria are just as emotionally close to us.

Our passion for food is reflected in the harmonious combination of culinary delights, agriculture and the respectful treatment of animals and people.

Good Gift


Simply purchase online. We'll personalise the gift voucher and send them directly to your loved ones.


Ideal for hotels, restaurants or companies. We provide you with high-quality products and tell the stories behind them.

What our customers say...


A great shop with sensational salami and great ham, which is also sliced wafer-thin. The cheese counter is in no way inferior. Very friendly staff. For me, one of the best gourmet shops in Berlin!

Tobias R.
Google review

One of the best of its kind.

Joshua K.
Google review

Prosciutto, cold cuts and cheese. Sounds really simple, and it's really, really good. Shopping here is fun: the staff are super friendly and take their time. You are allowed to try things. I was even allowed to try the high-priced Bellota ham without any problems before I bought it, and I was absolutely convinced.

Christian J.
Google review

Nice and charming staff who are always ready with tips and explanations on request. From the simple to the really good. 1A.

Ede U.
Google review

This lovely little shop not only has fantastic products but also great sales assistants who really know their stuff and take the time to advise you. I felt extremely comfortable and will certainly be shopping here again soon.

Aline R.
Google review

Empfohlen von...

"Klein aber fein, so könnte man den Lebensmittelladen Vom Einfachen das Gute auch nennen..." mehr.


"Während des Gesprächs mit der Berliner Morgenpost bleiben immer wieder Passanten vor dem Eingang stehen, blicken interessiert durch die Fensterscheiben zur Käsetheke oder versuchen vergeblich, vor der Ladenöffnung die Tür aufzumachen." mehr.

Berliner Morgenpost
Philipp Hartmann

"Zum Reinbeißen sieht das aus, und wenn der Blick dann in die Kühltheke fällt, setzt vehement Speichelfluss ein..." mehr.


"Einfache, hochwertige Lebensmittel ohne viel Chichi und aus nachhaltiger Produktion..." mehr.

Mit Vergnügen

"Wurst, Schinken, Käse, Wein und mehr von bester Qualität!..." mehr.


"(...)Lust am Genuss – aber eben nicht voller Kompromisse(...). mehr.


"When I couldn't decide which ham to choose , the saleswoman told me the story of Txogitxu – a ham coming from cows being between 10 and 18 years old – I couldn't wait to try it." mehr.


"Deli of the month in Berlin (...) Vom Einfachen das Gute's unique brand of retail is proving to be infectious." (mehr).

Fine Food Digest
The Guild of Fine Food

Visit us in the shop...


Invalidenstraße 155
10115 Berlin

Di-Fr: 10-19 Uhr
Sa: 10 - 18 Uhr


Bölschestraße 78
12587 Berlin

Mo-Sa: 10-18 Uhr