Vom Einfachen das Gute...
... is a grocery shop where we like to shop ourselves. With products that we love and that we know where they come from, who produced them and how. Good in flavour and responsible in their treatment of animals and nature.
We are looking for producers who work in an artisanal way and also have animal welfare as their philosophy. We think regional is good, but our producers from Italy, Spain and Austria are just as emotionally close to us.
Our passion for food is reflected in the harmonious combination of culinary delights, agriculture and the respectful treatment of animals and people.


What our customers say...
Visiting our producers
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Visit us in the shop...
Invalidenstraße 155
10115 Berlin
Di-Fr: 10-19 Uhr
Sa: 10 - 18 Uhr

Bölschestraße 78
12587 Berlin
Mo-Sa: 10-18 Uhr