

Farm-to-Table war noch nie so einfach und unfassbar lecker.

Wir beziehen unser Fleisch von Gut Kerkow. Im malerischen Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin betreiben sie eine umfassende ökologische Landwirtschaft, die dazu beiträgt, das Ökosystem zu erhalten. Angusrinder und Lämmer leben auf der Weide, Schweine genießen gute Bio-Haltung.

Entrecôte steaks

Gewicht: ca. 0,60 kg (2. Stück)

After cooking beautiful nutty flavours come out. You can taste a nice sweetness from the fat and of course from the caramelization from the hot frying. Paired with the saltiness of the sea salt flakes, this is a culinary delight. The meat is wonderfully tender and juicy because it hardly loses any water when seared.

You can hardly smell anything when you unpack it, which means the meat couldn't be fresher.

Gut Kerkow is located in the picturesque Schorfheide-Chorin biosphere reserve. Here they practice extensive organic farming that helps maintain the ecosystem. All aspects of fodder cultivation, animal husbandry, slaughter, processing and sales take place in one place. In addition to their Angus cattle, other animals also use their 900 hectares of land. According to ecological standards, they grow various types of grain here that are used as fodder.

During farm slaughter, the animals are slaughtered in their familiar surroundings, where they lived. In this way we avoid long transports and the associated stress. This has a positive impact on the quality of the meat. The slaughter is carried out on our estate with patience and respect. We process, season, ripen and package all meat products ourselves in our own butcher shop.

We have been working with Gut Kerkow for a long time and visited them in 2017. Check out our blog.

The story that led to us adding the entrecôtes back to our range for pre-order went something like this:

Deschna writes Manuela.

"I ordered entrecôtes for myself last weekend and prepared them on Sunday and I fell off my chair because it was so absolutely delicious! Can we set up an online order list via our new website so that customers can place orders for them before the Gut Kerkow order week?"

Manuela: "Of course! Yes, the entrecôtes are amazing."

Weight: approx. 0.66 kg
Contents: 2 steaks

Preparation in the pan:

  1. Remove from the packaging, marinate with olive oil, salt and pepper and let come to room temperature.
  2. The pan to sear the entrecôte, let it get very hot.
  3. Add plenty of butter to the pan.
  4. Place the steak in the hot pan. This is how the meat caramelizes.
  5. Fry the steak for a total of six minutes. Turn it every minute and brush with a halved head of garlic over the fried surfaces. After six minutes, a piece weighing around 330g is “medium-rare”.
  6. After searing, let the steak rest on a plate for about 2-4 minutes.
  7. Enjoy. This is a delicious treat.

Important information about durability:

In its original packaging and at refrigerator temperature (+2 degrees), the entrecôte will last for around 8 days after it arrives at your door. The best-before date printed on the packaging is decisive.

The shelf life can be extended by up to 6 months in the freezer (-18 degrees).

Rely on your natural senses. If the entrecôte smells and looks normal, it is still edible even after the best-before date has expired. If there is a sour, pungent smell, the meat is no longer edible.

If a smear film forms on the outer skin, please rinse before consumption, cook thoroughly and use quickly.


Leave the entrecôte in the original packaging in the refrigerator until ready to eat. There is a climate here that is low in bacteria, which ensures ideal durability.

After opening the packaging, make sure that the entrecôte is stored in a dry, cool and dark place. Tupperware containers with a draining rack are suitable here. This also protects the meat from taking on foreign tastes in the refrigerator.

Wichtig! Vorbestellungen werden bis einschließlich Montagabend angenommen. Alle Bestellungen, die bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt eingehen, können am Freitag der gleichen Woche abgeholt werden. Dieses Produkt wird nicht per Post versandt!
Regular price42,90 €
71,50 €/kg
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

100% Angus beef from pasture and straw stables without slatted floors.

Das Entrecôte ist lediglich für die Abholung im Laden erhältlich.

Bis Montagabend. (Wir bestellen immer Dienstag beim Produzenten)

Abholung ab Freitag derselben Woche möglich.
Bitte gebe das Abholdatum und die ungefähre Uhrzeit im Bezahlprozess im Einkaufswagen an.

Unsere Öffnungszeiten sind Di-Fr 10-19 Uhr, Sa 10-18 Uhr

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Entrecôte steaks

Das sagen unsere Kund:innen


Brutal gute Auswahl - Schlemmer - Selektion. Überregionale Auswahl, Signature Produkte. Viele davon gehören seit Jahren zu meinen Lieblingsprodukten. Dafür vielen Dank.

Google Rezension

They really know what they are doing!

S. Du
Google review

Wie der Name des Ladens schon verrät "Vom Einfachen das Gute"! Was braucht man mehr... Bin seeehr begeistert von der Qualität, dem Geschmackserlebnis und dem überaus charmanten Personal! Weiter so...

Martina S.
Google Rezension

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Invalidenstraße 155,
10115 Berlin


Dienstag bis Freitag 10:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr
Samstag 10:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr
Sonntag & Montag geschlossen

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